An UNPOPULAR OPINION about business and weight reduction

A lot of people have a very unpopular opinion about what I’m going to share here today, and that’s OK. One of the biggest differences between those that succeed  in their weight reduction and those that succeed in business and in life, is something that we call...

The $50,000.00 question that TICKS people off!

This is the face people usually make when they hear this question that ticks people off. It is the famous $50,000.00 question which I love to ask people that come to my 3-day wealth intensive event called Celebration of Freedom. It is a question that can help uncover...

Obliterate Fear in Less Than 2 Minutes

Recently I’ve mentioned how fear can be a massive plateau-creator. (Is that a word? I guess it is now.)  We hold onto extra body fat, and actually a lot of things in our life can be caused by fear, even fears at a subconscious level. I shared a lot of times the...