A lot of people don’t realize that our relationship with other people indirectly affects the money in our bank account. Many people make the mistake of trying to make more money. Have you ever had the experience when someone approached you, and you could instantly tell they just wanted your money? You can tangibly feel it, right?

 I made the mistake of doing that when I first got started in business because I didn’t know any better. The thing to improve those relationships are first and foremost, focus on serving people and adding more value to people’s lives. Once you’ve done that, and only then, be OK with receiving compensation. 

So many things in our life have to do with relationships. The 5 core relationships in our life are relationships with ourself, with God, with other people, with food, and with money. If our relationship with one of them is not in order, to one degree or another, the other ones are going to start feeling out of whack. 

When improving your relationship with yourself and food, you want to focus on adding more good into your life. With food, focus on adding something living to your plate, maybe add a splash of lemon juice, add in more vegetables, and you could drink a green smoothie in the morning. 

Focus on adding more of that good. 

For yourself, focus on adding in more quiet time, take a walk in nature, put your phone down on silent for a while, and just be there with yourself. Focus on adding in more good in your life. 

Improve your relationships, improve your life.

Love you!