Does depression have a cure? ~ The Six Stages of Depression

Does depression have a cure? ~ The Six Stages of Depression

There is no cure for depression… because it’s not a disease! I’m not a doctor, but while studying some medical science in massage therapy school, I noticed something fascinating… The medical disease guidebooks called anything that is “outside normal functioning” a...

How to overcome your fear of rejection

As you probably already know, I do a lot of sales training. I coach people literally all around the world to increase their closing ratios and to help them get their products and services out to as many people as possible. I’ve worked with a lot of network marketing...

Have you ever experienced this?

Have you ever experienced this before? Have you ever found yourself in some type of class, maybe a seminar, or Sunday school, or something along those lines, where you began to get a little bit triggered because of what the instructor was saying. You began to think,...

What If?

With all the interesting things going on right now, a lot of people are very tempted to fall into what we call victim mentality. This basically says, “Life happens to us.” With everything going on, “This is going on, and so this is affecting my life. This happened to...