With all the interesting things going on right now, a lot of people are very tempted to fall into what we call victim mentality. This basically says, “Life happens to us.” With everything going on, “This is going on, and so this is affecting my life. This happened to me!”

To be honest, even though I literally wrote the book on it, and there’s a chapter in there called, “The Luckiest Person in the Universe,” all about turning our trials into things that can actually work for us instead of against us, there were some moments where I was starting to feel that way.

I remember thinking, “OK, I have these really lofty goals that I set for myself.” These weren’t just random run of the mill goals; these were very inspired goals. They came from very spiritual moments I had during which I felt very strongly that these were goals that I was being “called” to accomplish in the year 2020.

I remember kinda scratching my head going, “OK, how is this helping me get closer? What’s the deal here? Why is everything being taken away from me?”

What’s fascinating is just before everything started happening in the world that’s happening right now, we made a couple additional hires in our company.

Because of that and because some of the extra time that I’ve had at home, I’ve been able to advance some of the things I had no clue, no idea how I was going to do and get them done very quickly.

Our company has been able to open up multiple new offices.

I’ve been able to get my 6th book done very quickly. I’m actually getting close to finishing my 7th book already. I thought it would take me til at least the end of summer to get my 6th book written, and probably close to the year’s end to get my 7th book written. Now things are coming along so fast.

It made me remember that most of the time, or probably all of the time, life happens for us, not against us. Even our most difficult trials can actually be for our good.

Now, is it always easy to remember that? Of course not. When we’re down in the “pit of despair” (a little Princess Bride reference for ya’), when we’re down in depression and someone’s like, “Just look on the bright side! Just count your blessings.” That isn’t always the easiest thing to do, right?

After you validate you feelings, if you are feeling depressed, of course validate your feelings and you begin to pull yourself up. If you’re not familiar with the six stages of depression, watch one of my other videos and that will help you know what to do in each of those stages.

Remember, things happen for a reason. I know that sounds really cliche and there are lots of other people saying, “Just think positively.” I know, I get it, but it really is true.

What would happen if you saw everything in life as happening for you instead of to you? When you go through trials, simply say, “OK, how is this happening for me?” “Why is this happening now?” “What is this going to allow me to do differently and do better in the future?”

Repeat after me, “Life happens for me, not to me.” Love you so much!

Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel Feel Well Live Well if you haven’t subscribed already. And join our mailing group. Go to www.FeelWellLiveWell.com and subscribe to our mailing list, so you can get tips and strategies and encouragement on a regular basis. As always, love you much! 

Watch, “What If” on YouTube