Do you want to be able to actually save time while dropping weight extremely quickly? 

Are you trying to get rid of extra body fat without having to exercise?

Are you a busy person, maybe you’re a stay at home mom, a business owner, and you have this idea that the process of slimming down has to take lots of time?

My friend, it doesn’t. I’m going to share a number of strategies to help you get rid of that extra body fat the fastest way possible without ever having to exercise. 

A lot of people are trying to get rid of extra body fat, but let’s face it, a lot of people don’t have an extra three hours per day just to spend at the gym. So many people contact me, and they say, “Eric, I want to join your program. I want to release this weight as quickly as possible, but I don’t have lots of extra time.” 

My answer actually surprises a lot of people. The process of slimming down can actually be quite quick and enjoyable, and does not have to require spending hours and hours killing yourself in the gym.

A lot of people are starting to come across the story of the magician, Penn Jillette, one of the stars of the hit magician show in Las Vegas, “Penn and Teller.” He was overweight for a number of years. In fact, he maxed out at over 340 lbs. For a long time, he thought that the process of slimming down had to include lots and lots of exercise, so he did nothing with it.

It wasn’t until one of his friends told him that the process of slimming down actually did not have to include exercise whatsoever, that he then began to take action.

A lot of people have this misconception, and I’m guessing you are one of them, which is why you are reading this. As long as you are in a proper caloric deficit, meaning you are consuming the right amount of calories, and the right amount of macronutrient breakdown (the correct amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates), then you can actually release weight without any exercise whatsoever.

In fact, when he does speaking engagements, this is one of the first things Penn tells people. He says, “I lost 100 lbs in a single season, about 90 days, and I did so without any exercise whatsoever.” 

He allowed his body to go into a caloric deficit, and then allowed it to eat its own fat, which it had been storing for quite a few years, in order to then survive. 

When you are in caloric deficit, exercise then simply becomes the icing on the cake. In fact, in a lot of cases, doing extra exercise can actually slow down the process because overdoing it can have a negative effect on your metabolic rate.

Rule of thumb: for most people when it comes to reaching your ideal weight, when it comes to calories, is taking your ideal body weight, multiplying it by 11, and then consuming that many calories per day. 

And the rule of thumb when it comes to macro nutrient breakdown, is taking your body weight, multiplying it by 0.8, and consuming that many grams of protein per day.

For a lot of people, the amount of carbohydrates and fat that they consume on top of that protein, as long as they stick within that caloric range, it doesn’t tend to matter too much. 

For many people, as long as they are in that caloric deficit, and they are consuming whole plants, meaning they are alkalizing their body, and they are flushing those extra toxins and extra fat, they will lose weight without having to exercise.

In fact, for a lot of people, this can actually be faster. For a lot of people who want to lose weight extremely quickly, exercise can actually slow down that process.

Now, is this the case for everyone, of course not. Are there benefits to exercising? Of course there are. Cardiovascular exercise can help speed up the number of calories that you burn per day.

Some types of exercise, such as high intensity interval training can allow your body to burn more while you are resting. When you do lifting, you can put on more muscle which has a higher metabolic effect on your body, allowing you to burn more calories every single day.

But again, it isn’t necessary. For a lot of people that simply haven’t made any progress and haven’t even started because they think it has to take so much time, this is a great place to start for you. 

Instead of focusing on getting your workouts in, consume less meals per day. “Well wait a second Eric, aren’t I going to gain weight? Isn’t that going to totally destroy my metabolism?” No. That in fact is a misconception that has since been debunked.

Up until a number of years ago, a lot of nutritionists and higher education schools, such as medical and chiropractic schools, taught that in order to keep a person’s metabolism up, they had to eat several times throughout the day.

Thankfully, this has since been debunked, because I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend my entire day eating. And I especially don’t want to spend my entire day exercising.

When you reduce the amount of times you eat, you not only reduce the amount of insulin that is spiked in your bloodstream, but you also reduce the amount of time you spend preparing and consuming meals. Thus freeing up a lot of extra time for you to do what you want to do.

This is what we do with a lot of our clients in our Fall In Love With Yourself on-line program. We teach them how to actually reduce the number of meals they eat per day, thus freeing up a lot other time to do business or spend with their families. Without even exercising, they begin to slim down. 

Now, is this the right path for you? Maybe. Maybe not. 

Another key ingredient is finding out exactly what your personal body needs in order to reduce weight the fastest way possible.

If you’re really serious about doing so, I strongly recommend getting a Weight Reduction and Metabolism Assessment. This is a way to find out exactly how many calories your body needs, exactly what type of macronutrient breakdown your body needs, exactly what type of exercise you need if applicable, if anything is interfering with your metabolism, and if there are any mental or emotional blockages keeping extra body fat on you. 

This is a way to take all of the guesswork out of it for you, thus saving much more time. 

If you would like more information, or if you want to schedule a Metabolism Assessment, simply send an email to

You can schedule one from practically anywhere in the world. Schedule a time, and we can remove all the guesswork out of it for you. 

Now these assessments are usually $500 and can take up to 2 hours to do. Thankfully, we have a contest right now. Send me an email with the subject heading, “Weight Reduction Assessment,” and enter yourself into a contest to win one of 5 Weight Reduction Assessments absolutely free. 

Also,  If you want some additional tips and strategies, make sure to subscribe to the channel and join our Facebook group, it’s called, “Enjoy Yourself Thin.”

On a regular basis, we give tips and strategies on how you can literally take all of the guesswork out of it for you and literally make the process of slimming down more enjoyable than staying overweight. 

Over the last three months alone, we’ve had multiple people drop several dozen pounds. In fact, during one of our last 12 week challenges, our top three winners alone dropped a total of 100 pounds. Just three people! In just three weeks!

If they can do it, why can’t you?

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, send me an email right away to get entered into a chance to win one of five totally free weight reduction assessments. Go ahead and join our Facebook group right now, and begin your total body transformation today.