What are the things they don’t tell you about your weight reduction journey? Are there certain things you are going to experience that can make it significantly harder to release weight once and for all? Are there some things that some people don’t want you to know? The sad truth is yes. 

The process of weight reduction is a very, very fascinating process. Of course most people talk about getting your eating clean and making sure you have your exercise dialed in whatever that might be, but what they don’t tell you is what’s going to happen emotionally and mentally. 

In my own personal experience, since I began my weight reduction journey, every time I’ve hit a new low, every time I’ve reached a new weight for example, when I reach a weight that I haven’t been for several years, I a lot of times will uncover a lot of negative emotion that I have stuffed down using food.

You see, the body was designed to heal itself physically. Nobody ever had to teach you how to heal a cut in our finger, it just does that automatically. But, the body was not designed to heal itself emotionally. We have to actually choose in to emotional healing. In most cases, nobody learns how to heal themselves emotionally; that wasn’t taught in my school, I don’t know, maybe it was in yours, but most people don’t know how to actually do that.

Most people don’t know how to heal themselves emotionally. Instead of healing that and releasing it from their bodies, most people do things to cover up or numb that pain. Some people turn to addictive behavior some people turn to alcohol, some people turn to drugs, but the vast majority of people turn to extra food, and they’ll use that extra body fat to actually cover up those negative emotions so that they no longer feel them (they numb their emotional senses to it). Does that make sense?

It’s fascinating because almost every time I’ve hit a new low, I will uncover something. For example, just this last week I reached a new low, I’m the lightest I’ve been in the last 9 years, and I began to feel just this overwhelming feeling of loneliness and rejection and just depression. It came almost out of the blue because I’m doing everything right. I don’t really have any reason to feel depressed.

Then I thought back to the last time I had been this weight, and I realized it was when my wife and I were actually in Tennessee and I was doing door-to-door sales. I was working for a company that makes alarm systems, and even though I was doing quite well, after just 2 weeks I was the top first-year sales representative in our entire region, it was very difficult. I was still facing massive amounts of rejection and massive amounts of loneliness. It got to the point where my wife actually, just to keep me going, came out just to be with me as I would walk and knock on the doors every single day.

What was interesting is, if you’ve studied the laws of physics, particularly the laws of quantum physics, you know that our thoughts and our feelings, (scientists have actually proven this, this is not a woo-woo made-up theory, no) this is scientifically proven that our thoughts and our feelings actually have a magnetic pull to them. (They can measure people’s different thought frequencies!) 

Scientists have proven that our thoughts and our feelings literally attract things into our lives. So when we have those thoughts and feelings, when we have those emotions and feelings inside of us, they will literally attract like things into our lives.

And it was really fascinating that for about 3-4 days after uncovering this and reaching this new low in my weight, I began to attract some of the same verbiage that I used to hear when I would do door-to-door sales with that alarm system company. Now, it’s been nine years since I did that. Obviously I own my own company now and the products and services we offer are vastly different than alarm systems, but I began to receive some of the same verbiage out of people just out of the blue, it was the weirdest thing. And I remember thinking, “Where is this coming from?” I haven’t heard people say things like this since 2011 when I was doing door-to-door sales.

When it finally dawned on me, I went, “Oh, when was the last time I was at this weight?” and bingo! It was when I was doing those door-to-door sales. Because I hadn’t worked through that, hadn’t released those negative emotions, those thoughts and those feelings, I was literally beginning to attract that back into my life because I had uncovered it.

Back in 2011, I didn’t know anything about releasing emotion, I thought that was woo-woo, I thought that was weird. So, I did just about whatever everyone else does, and I ate to cover it up. So I stuffed it down. As soon as I uncovered that, I began to attract those same things into my life.

Thankfully, obviously, I teach people this, and I have a number of tools that I use to release emotion, one of them being B.E.S.T. (acronym standing for Bio-Energetic-Synchronization-Technique). Both my wife and I are B.E.S.T. practitioners. I have the privilege of practicing more full-time, but I go to my wife all the time for a treatment.

B.E.S.T. was originally developed by a chiropractor as a way to adjust his patients without any cracking or popping, he found that he got much better results without the cracking or popping. He also created it as a way to release the stress that is inside the body. So I began to utilize these, my wife treated me with B.E.S.T. and the uncovered emotions went right away. I was able to work through it and release those feelings of loneliness, rejection and depression. Then I remember thinking, “OK, I feel like me again. Alright, let’s hit the ground running again!” 

As you progress in your journey, it’s very likely, not everyone experiences this, but it’s very likely that you’re going to experience some interesting feelings that you stuffed down after you uncover them you’re going to begin to have those feelings again because you’ve brought them to the surface, you’ve uncovered them.

It’s really important that you have a way, or have a person that you can go to in order to release those emotions. This is why every so often in a person’s Metabolism and Weight-reduction Assessment where we are able to find out and discover exactly why that person has that extra body fat, and why when we find those emotional and mental roadblocks we may recommend they go find a good counselor, hypnotherapist, or something along those lines.

This is one of the reasons why we tell people, “We are going to be very thorough in this assessment, and there’s gotta be a way for you to release that once and for all, for you to be able to work through that. That way, you don’t go back to old habits.

What most people do is, once they feel that again, they just cover it right back up. So that’s one of the reasons why so many people that do end up reducing their weight, they put the weight right back on because they uncover that negative emotion and they don’t know what to do with it, so they just cover it right back up. 

Make sure you have a way, whether that’s going and seeing a good counselor, hypnotherapist, B.E.S.T. practitioner, to release those emotions as they surface. If you have never experienced B.E.S.T. before, we have a number of clinics here in Utah, and we are working on expanding into new states and office locations throughout Utah. 

If you have never experienced B.E.S.T. before, normally a treatment costs $50, and you can sign up for a treatment at no charge whatsoever. This will be my gift to you for joining our Enjoy Yourself Thin Facebook group, so if you aren’t already a member of that group, type in “Enjoy Yourself Thin” and request to become a member. As I mentioned, it’s normally $50 for a treatment, there will be no charge at all for your first visit and that includes a treatment.

So, if you feel like maybe you have some interesting things that you’ve covered up, contact me. If you’re reading this, look me up on FaceBook, Eric Bailey, and send me a private message and say, “I need a treatment” and we’ll find a time either with myself personally or with one of our top practitioners in Feel Well, Live Well, to help you to get that released once and for all so that it doesn’t end up keeping that extra weight on you. 

One more time, as you’re progressing through your weight reduction journey, it’s very, very likely that you’re going to uncover and begin to feel some interesting emotions that you’ve stuffed down. It’s really, really important that you have a way to release it. If you haven’t already joined our Enjoy Yourself Thin Facebook group, make sure to do so right away, and if you’ve never experienced a B.E.S.T. treatment before, send me a private message saying, “I’d like to come in for a treatment,” and that’s my gift to you to help you in your journey. Love you!

Watch “What they DON’T tell you about weight loss. This is a MAJOR reason why it’s hard to KEEP it off!” on YouTube.