Here’s a follow-up to “How to get through times of uncertainty.”

I feel like this really reflects what we are going through now. What can you do in order to really turn things around for you starting in your mind and heart?

What doesn’t help is over-panicking. Now, obviously that doesn’t mean you don’t take necessary precautions. That doesn’t mean you don’t prepare yourself. It just means that you don’t allow yourself to kinda go down an emotional rabbit hole. Does that make sense? 

That usually doesn’t help things to progress. Simply panicking puts you into a negative emotional state. When you are in a negative emotional state, usually that’s not where solutions are generated. 

Instead of putting yourself into a panicked state, I have a special challenge for you: Find something to celebrate every single day.

This last St Patrick’s Day, just for fun we all put on green outfits, especially our kids. We hung our St. Patrick’s Day banners from our balcony, and we put up colored clovers. We made a special dinner, roast beef (because I’m not really a fan of corned beef and cabbage). So for me, roast beef is a nice upgrade. We had some root beer. I hid little packs of gold chocolate coins around the house for the kids to find, and we just had a really fun evening.

We celebrated being together. We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day just for the fun of it. 

Celebration is the highest form of gratitude. When you put yourself in a celebration state, your brain can’t help but look for things to celebrate because our brains thrive on celebration. Even just saying or thinking the word “Celebration,” the brain goes, “Ooh, Celebration! Party? OK, what’s here to Celebrate?” 

My challenge to you is find something to celebrate every single day. It could be something tiny. It could be something amazing. Look for something to celebrate.

If you want to take it to a whole new level, keep what I call a “Celebration journal.” This could be a physical journal that you keep by your bed, if you’re like me and you have little kids that would probably find your celebration journal and scribble in it or lose it, you could actually do this on your phone. 

Right before you go to bed each night, you open up your physical or digital journal. I’ll actually email myself, so I’ll pull up my email app, I’ll send it to myself with the subject heading, “Celebration,” and I’ll write down 1-2 things I can celebrate.

Usually they are accomplishments. They could be something tiny like, “I’m still breathing today.” “I survived another day.” “I still have toilet paper at my house (for at least a few more days!)”

Write down whatever it is that you want to celebrate. It could be something totally huge. Can I share something that I just accomplished today? For the first time in a long time, I ran for an hour straight without stopping. I went out and ran 5 miles, no stopping! So you better believe I’m celebrating that. Oh, and I did 132 push-ups without stopping. I’ve gotta get creative since I can’t actually go to the gym to exercise. 

What are some things you can do to celebrate? Remember to celebrate things in the positive, and not the negative. Does that make sense? Because the subconscious mind doesn’t understand a negative. Whatever we celebrate we tend to get more of, and so if a person says, “Well I’m celebrating not getting sick,” the subconscious mind hears, “I’m celebrating getting sick.” And it says, “Oh, we want to get sick so we can celebrate that more? OK,” and it begins to manifest getting sick. 

Again, don’t celebrate things you don’t want, celebrate things you do want. Legitimately find things to celebrate because again, celebration is the highest form of gratitude. Whatever we celebrate, we tend to get more of that. 

If you would, comment in the blog with things you choose to celebrate today and over the next five days.

I created a 5-Day, 5-Senses Happiness challenge to help people get through everything right now, so watch for that coming soon.

Also, I’m currently writing my book, and I believe it is great timing, and I’m sure you’ll agree with this title. It’s called, “Being Unhappy Sucks, So STOP IT!”

It’s going to be the 4th in the “STOP IT!” series after “Being Broke Sucks So STOP IT!” “Being Stuck Sucks so STOP IT!” and “Being Boring Sucks So STOP IT!”

I’m hoping to finish writing it by the end of the month, and have it published by the beginning of the summer. Look for announcements of that.

Of course, if you haven’t joined our Enjoy Yourself Thin Facebook group, make sure to do so. It’s free. We’ve gots lots of amazing things going on there.

If you haven’t yet, subscribe to our Feel Well Live Well YouTube channel. Go ahead and subscribe because we are celebrating a community of over 5,000 subscribers! 

One more time, find ways to celebrate. Comment below on how you are going to celebrate. Send this to people you know who need it.

As always, love you much!

Watch, “Turn Stress into Celebration” on YouTube.