A lot of people are super stressed because of the interesting things that are happening in our world right now. A lot of people are at home, and they don’t really have an outlet for feelings of uncertainty, or feelings of worry, or anxiety.

Today I’ll give you a few helpful tips that I’m excited to say are actually going to come from my newest book, which will be out in a few months. It’s the latest book in the STOP IT! Series. This one is rightfully titled, “Being Unhappy Sucks, so STOP IT!” This will follow “Being Broke Sucks, so STOP IT!” “Being Boring Sucks, So Stop IT!” “Being Stuck Sucks, So STOP IT!” 

Here are a few tips on how you can help to alleviate stress and simply get better to get through these interesting times. 

First, simply validate how you feel. A lot of people, especially those of us in the personal development or self-help industry don’t feel like we can ever have bad days. It’s almost like, “Wait a second, I coach others and help them feel better, so what right do I have to have a bad day?” Right? Unfortunately, it’s a major trap that a lot of people fall into. What that does, is it’s the opposite of validating their feelings, so they actually go deeper into sometimes depression. 

Tool #1 for alleviating stress is stand up, stomp your feet and say, “I feel stressed right now!” Or you can even name the type of stress and say, “I feel worried right now!” or “I feel stressed because of the unknown right now.” Again, stomping your feet a little bit and validating your feelings a lot of times can make a huge difference. A lot of times feelings just want to be validated. That in and of itself can help make a huge difference in how you feel. #1 Validate your feelings!

#2 Write your feelings down. A huge difference can be made by simply taking your thoughts from your head and putting them onto paper.

Sometimes you’ll go to write down a single negative thought or feeling such as, “I feel stressed right now.” As you do so, it’s almost like you unleash the floodgates, and you have a whole bunch of stuff that comes spewing out of you onto paper.

A lot of times people think that if they write their negative thoughts down that it’s just going to reinforce the negative. That’s only true if you go back and you reread it a whole bunch of times. Don’t go back and reread it, but you can write everything down.

Move it from your head and onto paper, and then go destroy the paper. A lot of times the act of destroying it (crumpling it up, throwing it away, burning it safely, tearing it up, etc) can make a huge difference. That sends a message to the subconscious mind, “I am in control. Not you.” 

Tip #3 See a BEST practitioner. Now a lot of people say, “What’s BEST?” B.E.S.T. is an acronym for Bio-Energetic-Synchronization-Technique. I know it’s a lot easier to say BEST, right? A lot of people have never seen a practitioner. Many people have seen traditional chiropractors, and BEST was originally developed for chiropractors, by a chiropractor.

Imagine going to see a chiropractor, but with no cracking or popping at all. We get a lot better results that way, and we do a lot more than align the spine. We do align the spine of course, and we release the stress your body is holding onto so that you feel amazing. Most people feel a major difference literally within seconds of receiving a treatment. It’s a very real difference. 

It’s fun to see people’s reactions the first time they experience a BEST treatment because it’s almost like, “Well wait a second, where did that stress go?” And we say, “We released it. It’s gone. You don’t need it anymore.” They go, “Whoa, OK.” 

Go and see a BEST practitioner. Now, if you are in Northern Utah, come and see us. If you live in the Salt Lake or Utah Valley areas, Ogden, or even St. George, we are opening up other offices in Ogden and St. George and eventually Logan, and then in other states. If you live in any of those areas in Utah, my invitation to you is to come in and see one of our practitioners.

Now, a full clinical treatment is usually $50, but because you are reading this, if you send me an email to Eric@FeelWellLiveWell.com. Say, “I would like a treatment” in the subject heading. 

My invitation to you is to come in and receive a full treatment at no charge. It’s been extremely helpful for people, especially in these really interesting times that we have right now, to come in and be able to release that stress. This is my gift to you to help you overcome those stressful feelings, and really just help you to get through these next few weeks of uncertainty. 

Email me right away. We’ll schedule you an appointment. You will come in. There’s not a lot of people there, so you don’t have to worry about that. Everything is sanitary because we disinfect everything and we make sure that everything is super clean so that we can continue to serve you.

Because we are in the healthcare industry, we of course are able to stay open so we can continue to serve you, help you release that stress and release some of that pain. We can help you get rid of back pain, neck pain, headaches, PTSD, depression, knee pain, hip pain, joint pain, fibromyalgia, you name it, we’ve seen, we’ve addressed it, and we’ve helped people overcome it. 

If you are an awesome receiver, if you’ve never experienced one of our treatments before, then send me an email at Eric@FeelWellLiveWell.com and we can get you scheduled to come in and release some of that stress to help you get feeling better. As always, Love you much!

Watch, “3 Tips for Letting Go of Stress” on YouTube.